Significance of Ultrasonographic Common Bile Duct Dilation in Predicting Complicated Biliary Pathology: A Retrospective Study


  • Summaya Saeed
  • Aun Ali
  • Muhammad Rauf Sheikh
  • Amjad Siraj Memon
  • Khursheed Samo
  • Mujeeb Abbasi


Common bile duct, Ultrasonography, Complicated biliary Pathology.


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the diagnostic ability of sonographic Common bile duct (CBD) dilation in the
presence or absence of laboratory abnormalities for the diagnosis of complicated biliary pathology.
METHODOLOGY: This was a retrospective study, data were obtained from hospital medical record files
and electronic medical records database from 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2017 from Department
of Surgery, Dow University of Health Sciences Hospital, Karachi. In these patients, the Ultrasound and
relevant laboratory tests were done. In selected cases where Common Bile Duct (CBD) was dilated,
ERCP was also done.
RESULTS: A total of 240 patients met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Out of these, 186 (77.5%)
patients were diagnosed with cholelithiasis. CBD was dilated in 42 patients (17.5%). Among these 42
patients, 28 had abnormal labs, while 14 patients had normal labs. All the patients who had dilated CBD
and altered labs (n=28) had complicated biliary pathology, while only 14% (2/14) of patients who had
isolated CBD dilation had an associated complicated biliary pathology (p-value < 0.0001).
CONCLUSION: We can conclude by saying that CBD dilatation on ultrasound in the presence of normal
laboratory values is rarely associated with complicated biliary pathology.




How to Cite

Saeed S, Ali A, Sheikh MR, Memon AS, Samo K, Abbasi M. Significance of Ultrasonographic Common Bile Duct Dilation in Predicting Complicated Biliary Pathology: A Retrospective Study. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];19(01):12-5. Available from: